Organisational Development
What is sinking your boat…?
“Who is sinking your boat” is a term often used in relation to employee engagement, i.e. in relation to individuals. “What” is broader and can be applied to organisational structures.
In an effective organisation it is important roles have the right span of control, the role is accountable, and the role is connected to a company goal or a company result. This is important for even the most junior of roles. If a role is not accountable for anything and not connected to any goals then the role should not exist.
Organisations often ”evolve” over a long period of time and that can result in organisations just being “tweaked” even if the company itself adapts to changes well. The result frequently is very high overheads.
I can help with an outside-in view because it can be challenging to establish what could be changed being actually in the organisation.
Evaluation of organisational effectiveness.
Evaluation of span of control and connection to company results.
Blue-printing of organisations. I.e. what would the organisation look like if the business started today?
Complete re-organisation of the commercial function of one of Europe’s leading transportation providers.
Re-organisation of a manufacturing company in the field of reverse logsitics.
+ 20 years experience of building effective teams.